Enabling Professional Negotiations through Exclusive Training
The Negotiation Project Twente is a foundation which uniquely educates higher-level students and industry professionals about the tenets of negotiation. Aided by the knowledge derived from industry leaders and researchers, we set out to enlighten others, giving them a toolkit which transcends the application of the negotiations table. Since our establishment, we have successfully competed in a number of worldwide competitions.
What we offer
Negotiation Project Twente offers different types of high-quality negotiation education for students and industry professionals.
NPT Cohort
Every year the Negotiation Project Twente offers an exclusive and extensive course on professional negotiation for students completely free of charge. This course teaches you all the theories you need to know about negotiation while at the same time also giving real-life experience with regular practical negotiations.
Interested? Read more here.
Collaborations with UT Associations
The Negotiation Project Twente also collaborates regularly with UT associations to offer short and intensive workshops teaching the fundamentals of negotiations to their members.
If you are interested, contact your association, and we might have a workshop together very soon.
Students in the Twente Area
Are you interested in joining negotiation training, and a student at a University in the Twente area? You are still able to apply to NPT, however, there is limited space for those students.
outside of twente area?
Are you interested in negotiation training but not a student at any University in the Twente area? Then the Dutch Negotiation Network might have some interesting Information for you.
Companies and Industry Professionals Company Workshops
The Negotiation Project Twente has held several negotiation workshops for different companies over the last few years. These workshops can vary from very general, covering all the basics of negotiation, to specifically tailored to the organisation's exact needs.
If you are interested, reach out to us via board@negotiationprojecttwente.utwente.nl .
If your business, association, or organisation would be interested in a collaboration, we would be very interested to hear your ideas. If you are interested, or if you are looking for further information, feel free to contact us at board@negotiationproject.utwente.nl so we can start discussing options.